Sunday, May 4, 2008


Around mid-March Aly said to me "Robyn has a blog" That's nice I said. Then she said, " I am going to start one too". That's nice. I said. Then Chuck and Aly came to my house for dinner one Sunday afternoon and they said "We are going to make you a blog too". That's nice I said, but what will I do with one?
Well....the rest is history. I am hooked on blogs, love to read em, comment on em, critique em, you name it.
I show a little jealousy when I think the blog is nicer than mine (which is pretty much every one I look at) Or they get more comments (everybody does) or has music (most all of them but mine)
I marvel at what people do, how clever they are,what fun things they talk about, what cute pictures they have.
This has opened up a whole new world, and it is fun.
Thanks everyone for sharing a little piece of your lives with me!


Kimberly said...

I'm a blogaholic too. I seriously live for the comments! Devon never understood my constant need to check blogs and check my comments until he wrote a post of his own. I had to laugh because he was constantly calling me from work asking if anyone had left him any comments yet. By the way, I think your blog is adorable...I love your header! Most of all, it has been such a treat to reconnect with you and see pictures of your adorable family. Hugs!!!

Aly said...

I LOVE THE BLOGS...AND I LOVE YOUR BLOG!! I think you are very good at expressing your thoughts! I'm not so good at that, I am jealous of those who can write so well!! And all of the cute scrapbook looking blogs. I love the ones that change theirs like everyday!! It is so fun to reconnect with everyone!! I am also obsessed with the comments, I often have blog envy of those with tons of comments (maybe this isn't such a healthy thing, LOL) The comments and conversations that come from the posts are the funnest part I think!! Okay, now I'm just long winded, sorry!! LOVE YOU MOM, Love Aly

The Wibergs said...

So you think there's going to be a 12 step program or blog detox someday? I think I'm going to need it! I have to "check something" every time I pass my computer -- which is ALOT -- and I'm bummed if other people haven't updated since I last checked.

Hi, my name is Carin and I'm a blogaholic.

Chuck said...

To ALL if you find yourself correcting grammar or looking over someones shoulder while typing, etc. YOU HAVE A PROBLEM. It is bad when you are awakened by the camera clicking. For some time everyone had a sleeping picture. So we had our picture taken. Even though it never made it I am sure we will be well prepared for when the "Sleeping" pictures come back around. As Deanie always says put the camera down and sit down for dinner.

As for your BLOG, well M&M (peanut) cookies go a long way in correcting that problem.

Diane said...

I can totally relate to your blog addiction. One time I did a post and my DH posted one on "my" blog the same day. I was so upset because I knew I would not get comments on my post. I LOVE to get comments. It makes me feel like I'm not so far away. I've also reconnected with you and Aly...what more can I say! Please keep blogging!! Love ya!

Unknown said...

I have blog envy, too! Mine still doesn't have music, I haven't updated my profile, or added a picture of myslef that shows up with the comments! Oh well! I love reading your blog! It's an AWESOME way to when we see you guys, it's like we have nothing to catch up on. We can just talk about what's going on NOW instead of what's happened in the past! I love it! You've always been such an important person in our lives...I love reading about what you're doing!