Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tagged I'm It

Aly tagged me and the rules are I need to write 6 things about myself and then also tag 6 other people. Well....I don't know 6 people that are blogging to tag, so I guess it ends with me.

1) I am a Mom and Grandma and I love being both. It has been and continues to be the greatest joy in my life.
2) I am a friend and have very good friends. The richness it has added to my life is beyond measure. I have a group of friends that have known each other since grade school days. We see each other on a regular basis, go to lunch, dinner, trips. We cry together, laugh together and participate in life's stages. As time goes by we treasure all these years we have had together more and more with each passing year. The "Girls" are Dee, Kathy, Julia, Sharon, Sherry and me.
3) I love to cook and collect cook books. I am not a fancy cook, but enjoy it.
4) I like to make "Rag" quilts. And I am really sure my family is tired of me doing this because I keep making them even though everybody has at least one if not more.
5) I like to read a good book. Nate calls it "pedestrian reading" if it is fictional. I like to talk to other people about what they have read, to get new ideas.
6) I do enjoy my cat, Tucker. He keeps me entertained. His unconditional love means a lot to me after a long day at work. He makes me giggle at the silly things he does.


Aly said...

You may not be a fancy cook, but you are a REALLY GOOD COOK!!

Betsy said...

I always thought you were Cordon Bleu when you cook.

Unknown said...

You were my inspiration for starting rag quilts! Even I have TWO from you! I love them! Aly tagged me, too, but I haven't done it yet!

Diane said...

You are a good cook....creative too! When I read about your cat, I couldn't help but remember your bird and how much it loved you (and your chair. LOL). Remember how Patti wouldn't come over if the bird was out of its' cage? Fun, funny memories!