Sunday, April 6, 2008

The "Savage/Smith" Conference Weekend

When our tradition of "Conference Weekend" began several years ago, we did Saturday and Sunday. Well.....we love each other a lot but you know the saying too much of a good thing. So now we do just Sunday. It was Carrie's turn this time and she did a wonderful job with fresh baked muffins for breakfast and chicken/rice stuff (I don't know the official name) for dinner.
Our little Sofia made her debut at the family gathering Since her RSV hospital trip she has been off limits to these group get tog ether's. She handled it really well and so did her Mom. Life is getting back to normal and it was so great to have all of us in one place at the same time. I am truly blessed to have this perfect family around me.


Aly said...

Mom, you look sooo good in all of these pictures, you are really slimming down!! It was nice to be around everyone again. You do look tall next to those sisters! Did you notice the orb in the "grandma" picture?!

Unknown said...

How fun! Michael came to my house for part of conference, but I wish my whole family could get together! I loved all the new posts! I'm glad little Sofia's finally getting out a bit!

Kimberly said...

I'm so jealous...I want to live close enough to my family to get together for conference! How fun! You look great, by the way, I still remember you with permed hair...isn't that funny?! I think all of my friends moms had permed hair in the 80's.

Betsy said...

That is good to see both Aly and Sofia out and about.

Diane said...

It is so great to see how much you guys love getting together. There are so many families that take it for granted. How fun! I look at pictures of your family and get homesick! I sure love you all!

Diane said...

By the way...I just read through all the posts I've missed. You look really great!!!! I swear you really look younger than when we lived two doors away from each other! How did that happen? You must have discovered the fountain of youth! Are you 28 yet?

Aly said...

Hi Mom! I tagged you! You can go to my blog for the rules!