Friday, August 8, 2008

Tag, Eight Things....

Eight things I am passionate about
1) All 11 grandkids
2) All my kids and their spouses
3) My cat, Tucker
4) My friends
5) Cooking
6) My grandkids (I know, I already said that)
7) Curing cancer
8) Not politics

Eight Books I have read
1) The Secret Life of Bees (almost done)
2) Twilight series
3) Shadow in the Wind
4) The Host
5) Harry Potter Series
6) The Da Vinci Code
7) Pillars of the Earth
8) Kitchen Table Wisdom

Eight Phrases I say often
1) Kitty, kitty kitty, here kitty
2) Tucker
3) What are you doing?
4) Hey sweetie
5) This is LaDean (at work, answering the phone)
6) I love you
7) Really?
8) Bye now

Eight things I want to do before I die
1) Retire
2) Get my house really clean
3) Balance my check book (not really)
4) Learn to play the piano (also..not really)
5) Take cooking lessons
6) Run, jog, maybe walk some kind of race.
7) See all my grandkids grow up
8) Complete all my knitting projects, hah!

Eight things I have learned over the past year
1) What a blog is
2) How to blog
3) That I am addicted to blogging
4) How to make fondant (although I have not done it, just watched Aly)
5) My kids get smarter every year
6) That I have more control over my life
7) How to make pillowcases (easy ones)
8) To do my banking online

Eight places I want to see
1) The back of my spare bedroom closet
2) The bottom of my purse
3) A size 8 in my closet and I am not talking shoes.
4) New York, again
5) Jersey Boys (the musical)
6) Disney World through my grandkids eyes
7) The Ocean, again
8) Mt. Everest

Eight things I currently want or need
1) A hug
2) A smile
3) Notes from my grandkids
4) A self cleaning litter box
5) A self cleaning fridge (do they make those?)
6) To sleep late every day
7) To want to exercise
8) To be a better friend

Eight people I want to tag (okay this is great, most of you have already completed your assignment and the rest I got the idea from Vicky)
1) Aly
2) Vicky
3) Darcie
4) Chuck
5) Annie
6) Oprah
7) Minnie Mouse
8) Carin


Hiller Family said...

Why stop at the self cleaning fridge? I want a self cleaning house, that would be so wonderful wouldn't it?

Diane said...

Great List! Jersey Boys...I'm with ya on that one! I'm also hoping Oprah reads these lists and comments!

Kimberly said...

Devon keeps trying to convince me to learn how to make fondant. He was inspired after watching that cake making show on the food network (can't remember the name of it, but very cool cakes). Anyway, good list!

Aly said...

I wouldn't mind seeing New York again either! I loved all of your things:)