Monday, July 21, 2008

"Blog Potato"

Not to be confused with "Couch Potato" although very similar.
I already discussed being a Blogaholic in a previous post and I do fit into that category but now I am really sure I have become a blog potato. I arm myself with my caffeine free diet coke (of course with lemon so I get my fruit for the day) and settle on to the couch. At first I think I wont turn on the laptop but it sits on the end table and just stares back at me. So I think I will just turn it on for a minute and see if Aly has posted something new (couldn't just call her and ask) and then I need to check and see what Chuck has done and Betsy and Robyn and Kimberly and Diane and Carin and some people I don't even know but I check anyway...well that takes a little time and I am on my second caffeine free diet coke. I look at all these cute blogs and the blog envy takes over and I wonder I mine will ever match up, but then I have to remember it is not a competition, but I still feel slightly bad about it all.
So anyway I bought this really cool thing over the weekend, it is a plastic tray I can set my laptop on with padding on the underside and a clip on the side for papers, no holder for my caffeine free diet coke but it is still cool. It is bright pink and enables me to be more of a "Blog Potato"!
I really am hopeless....


Aly said...

That is hilarious!!! I think that you should blog about your wild nights out on the town and the crazy bunco group so that everyone can see what a party animal you really are!!! Or atleast they could see what kind of party animals you hang out with:) Then there is always the characters at your work (it's almost as entertaining as the hit TV show "The Office

Sounds like a cool tray!!! I love that it is pink:)

Just for the record, Chucks laptop call my name too. It is a really good thing that I don't have it during the day:)

Aly said...

P.S. You can't accuse me of reading blogs while talking to you on the're the one that started the conversation that led to, "you'll just have to read my blog to hear about the new thing I bought for my laptop"!!!!

The Wibergs said...

Yep, you're an addict my friend. :)
Squash that big green blog envy monster! Yours is super cute!

(Oh, and I've been caught talking on the phone & checking blogs at the same time without even being told to look at something. How bad am I!?!)

Unknown said...

I can always tell when my mom is reading blogs while I'm talking to her. Kind of blank responses...which I am definitely guilty of as well! Your tray sounds really cool...I have laptop tray envy! And I always love reading your blog!

Unknown said...

Oh, and I'm glad you're getting your daily fruit servings...blogging is good for something! Ha ha!

daveandvicky said...

Hi Ladean,
My girls have now also, hooked me on blogs, and set me up, yeah. It's fun to read about you and your family. Time flies-not to many originals here anymore. Miss your cute smile and sweet laugh.

Darcie said...

I am a total blog potato also. I love to sit down and just read everyone's blog. Diet Coke for me it's a Coke. I am goood for hours as long as I have my coke and blogs to read!!:)

Diane said...

That's just about the funniest thing I've read in a long time. It's probably so funny because we can all relate to it. "Blog Potato"! I am going to remember the lemon with diet beverage advice! You are too funny!

Betsy said...

I think you have stumbled upon a new segment of our culture..