Sunday, April 27, 2008

Raise Your Hand

If you like to do housework, raise your hand. Now don't get me wrong, I love a clean house but the process is not what really interests me.
I really enjoy the clean linen closet that only took me 30 minutes and had needed to be done for 6 months. I do like the extra space in the linen closet since I threw out the towels that are 5 years older than my oldest grandchild (she is 14) and I open the door to it more often since things don't fall down on me anymore.
I love the smell of my clean bedding when I crawl in at night, but the time it takes.Whew!
I have decided I am a slob, there I said it. I used to be able to blame it on three kids, I am a single mom, I work full time. The kids are adults now, it is just me and the cat. At the end of the week there are 5-7 pairs of shoes in various spots, cloths on the bathroom floor, dishes in the sink and I cannot blame anyone. It is not fair.
Last Friday when I got into my car to go home from work I noticed I had 5 empty yogurt bottles on the floor of my car, one for each day of the week that I drank them on the way to work.
I wasn't raised this way, but I seem to have perfected it over time.
When I was a kid, housework was called "chores". I had chores, my sister had chores. When my Dad worked late part of my chores was to feed the horse (I was allergic to hay)
Did you get all your chores done so you can come out and play?
What are my chores today?
Why do I have those chores and Susie doesn't?
Does the term "housework" sound any better than "chores", I don't think so.
But, anyway I pretty much got most or at least part, the important part of my housework, chores done so maybe I can go out and play.

So....raise your hand if you like to do housework.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tagged I'm It

Aly tagged me and the rules are I need to write 6 things about myself and then also tag 6 other people. Well....I don't know 6 people that are blogging to tag, so I guess it ends with me.

1) I am a Mom and Grandma and I love being both. It has been and continues to be the greatest joy in my life.
2) I am a friend and have very good friends. The richness it has added to my life is beyond measure. I have a group of friends that have known each other since grade school days. We see each other on a regular basis, go to lunch, dinner, trips. We cry together, laugh together and participate in life's stages. As time goes by we treasure all these years we have had together more and more with each passing year. The "Girls" are Dee, Kathy, Julia, Sharon, Sherry and me.
3) I love to cook and collect cook books. I am not a fancy cook, but enjoy it.
4) I like to make "Rag" quilts. And I am really sure my family is tired of me doing this because I keep making them even though everybody has at least one if not more.
5) I like to read a good book. Nate calls it "pedestrian reading" if it is fictional. I like to talk to other people about what they have read, to get new ideas.
6) I do enjoy my cat, Tucker. He keeps me entertained. His unconditional love means a lot to me after a long day at work. He makes me giggle at the silly things he does.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The "Savage/Smith" Conference Weekend

When our tradition of "Conference Weekend" began several years ago, we did Saturday and Sunday. Well.....we love each other a lot but you know the saying too much of a good thing. So now we do just Sunday. It was Carrie's turn this time and she did a wonderful job with fresh baked muffins for breakfast and chicken/rice stuff (I don't know the official name) for dinner.
Our little Sofia made her debut at the family gathering Since her RSV hospital trip she has been off limits to these group get tog ether's. She handled it really well and so did her Mom. Life is getting back to normal and it was so great to have all of us in one place at the same time. I am truly blessed to have this perfect family around me.

Mikey's official birthday is April 9th but we celebrated on Saturday. All the cousins had a great time running through the house, tearing out all the toys and eating cake. We had so much fun! There was one tense moment when Natalie blew out most the candles before Mikey got a chance. Carrie saved the day with the lighter, we sang again and put a smile back on his face. Mikey is nine years old this year and our little miracle boy. He is four years out on being cancer free. He loves all sports, plays basketball and baseball and is very passionate about his favorite teams. He just added the Boston Celtics to the list and had to have them on the cake. Grandma Deanie loves you so much!

Look at all those Grandma's!

Mikey with his Grandma's. From left to right we have Gram ( Grandma Becky) Grandma Deanie, Great Grandma Savage, Mikey of course and Grandma Kathy.

Happy Birthday Mikey!!

Grandma Deanie and Mikey on his special day

David, DeAnne, Yvonne, Doni and Doug

My "Little" Sister

At 4"10" Yvonne is really my little sister, and when we tell anyone that, they look twice but do not dare say a word about it! We celebrated her 70th birthday this week with kids, grandkids, sisters, friends and a big birthday cake. I like getting my picture taken next to her because I look tall, and that is hard to do with anybody else. I almost look as tall as Susie and I think she has me by a couple of inches.