Sunday, August 2, 2009

That's Dr. Savage to you

I must admit sometimes I wonder if this special young man is related to me
He makes a goal and completes it.
I hardly ever do
He is dedicated,tenacious,hard working and..
He didn't get that from his mother.
He just completed his Doctorate of Physical Therapy
and has been accepted at the "U"
for his PHD.
When he was in Junior High he decided to get straight A's from that time on
and he did
When he was in High School he was the first Quarter Back at Hunter High the year they opened
they didn't win a game that season, but
the next year went all the way to the finals.
He has three beautiful children and a wonderful wife Hillary
A few years ago he decided he needed to lose a few pounds so right before the holidays
he gave up white bread and anything
with sugar in it
I am REALLY sure he didn't get that from me!
He is now at his High School weight
He did Triathlons last summer and this year
he is in to running
Again, he didn't get this from me
I think I want to be like him when I grow up......