Sunday, May 18, 2008


Carin and Aly have inspired me to add a "Ticker" to my blog. This also means a commitment of walking, biking or running the distance to Disneyland. WHAT HAVE I DONE??
It is going to take forever to do this, I am no spring chicken, I figure at the rate I do anything, well I don't even want to think about it.
So... I need all the help I can get, any encouragement will be appreciated.

On a lighter note, I have decided to post a recipe now and again, you will see it on the sidebar. I love recipes, I love to read them, try them and collect them. I have made the bread recipe several times and it is a good one. If you have tried making whole wheat bread and it tastes a lot like a cardboard box, you will like this one.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Tucker, kitty cat

I thought I would take a few cute pictures of Tucker, easier said than done. It is really hard to get him to pose and smile for the camera.

He is a very busy kitty cat. He doesn't like me to close the door on him (even in the bathroom) I tried to get a picture of his paw as he snaked it under the door trying to find out if I am in there or not but I do not have a speed shutter on the camera. This last winter was such a long cold snowy time and I have been on a first name basis with my heating pad. Well, Tucker decided that was a nifty thing and we would end up fighting over who got to lay on, we compromised and shared the heating pad until he would get the best of me and end up with the whole heating pad.

This is really his house but he does allow me to stay here because I clean the litter box and feed him tuna. I also vacuum a spare cat every week off the floor, couches,tables, name it there is cat hair on it. What we don't do for those we love. As I write this blog he is draped across my legs purring because I wouldn't let him crawl on top of the keyboard (it is really hard to type with a cat on the keys).
I could go on and on with kitty stories as Aly can attest to, these are just a few, there may be more at a later time, I'm sure.
Tucker kitty cat you are a special part of my life.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Hillary

To my sweet Hillary on her birthday. I am so blessed to have you in my family. And I am so grateful you not only tolerate but love my son, I couldn't ask for more. I hope this day finds you happy and healthy as you come in to the home stretch with baby number three and grandbaby number eleven. Have a great day!! Love ~ Deanie

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Around mid-March Aly said to me "Robyn has a blog" That's nice I said. Then she said, " I am going to start one too". That's nice. I said. Then Chuck and Aly came to my house for dinner one Sunday afternoon and they said "We are going to make you a blog too". That's nice I said, but what will I do with one?
Well....the rest is history. I am hooked on blogs, love to read em, comment on em, critique em, you name it.
I show a little jealousy when I think the blog is nicer than mine (which is pretty much every one I look at) Or they get more comments (everybody does) or has music (most all of them but mine)
I marvel at what people do, how clever they are,what fun things they talk about, what cute pictures they have.
This has opened up a whole new world, and it is fun.
Thanks everyone for sharing a little piece of your lives with me!